How to Choose a Plastic Surgeon: 5 Things You Need to Do

When considering a plastic surgery procedure, one of the most important decisions you will make is who will be performing the surgery. To find the best surgeon for you, take your time and do your research.



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Here are five things you need to do and look for when choosing a plastic surgeon.


Research Your Procedure


There are so many cosmetic surgery procedures to choose from, and it can be difficult to decide which one is right for you. Do your research before you make any decisions. Learn about the different procedures, and ask your doctor lots of questions.


Be aware of the risks and benefits of each procedure. Talk to other people who have had the surgery done and find out their experience. Cosmetic surgery is a big decision, so take your time and make sure you make the right choice.


Get Recommendations from Friends and Family


Referrals from friends and family are important when choosing a plastic surgeon. They can provide first-hand accounts of their experiences with different surgeons and give you a good idea of what to look for.


A good doctor can still be found through word-of-mouth, so don’t be shy about asking around. Friends and family members are usually more than happy to share their recommendations.


Research Each Doctor


You’re considering a plastic surgery procedure, but you’re unsure which doctor to choose. How do you find the best plastic surgeon for you? Do your research!


Make sure you do your research before choosing a plastic surgeon. Not all surgeons are created equal. Background research is key to finding the best surgeon for you. You can do this by visiting the doctor’s website and reading reviews. Be sure to look at their qualifications too.


Remember to look for a board-certified plastic surgeon and ask them to see before and after photos of past patients.


Some things you may want to ask your surgeon include:

  • How much experience do you have with this procedure?
  • What are the risks and complications associated with this procedure?
  • How long will the recovery process be?
  • What are the costs associated with this procedure?
  • What are the results typically like?
  • Is there anything I should do to prepare for surgery?
  • What should I expect after the surgery?
Schedule a Consultation


When looking for a plastic surgeon, it is important to be as informed as possible. You should schedule a consultation with each plastic surgeon to ask questions and get a feel for them.


Here are five things to consider when meeting with a surgeon:

  1. What are the surgeon’s qualifications?
  2. What procedures does the surgeon specialize in?
  3. What is the surgeon’s experience with the procedure you are interested in?
  4. What is the surgeon’s patient satisfaction rate?
  5. What is the cost of the surgery?
Let Us Handle Your Plastic Surgery Needs


The Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute can help you achieve the results you’ve always wanted! Dr. Jason Leedy is a leading plastic surgeon in the Cleveland, Ohio area. He is board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Call 918-358-6447 today to schedule your consultation at our modern practice.