I Just Had My Last Baby: When Can I Get a Tummy Tuck?

When you’re finished having children, a tummy tuck helps your abdomen regain its pre-pregnancy appearance. How soon is too soon after pregnancy for a tummy tuck plastic surgery procedure? Read to learn more.


Pregnancy puts your body through a lot. After pregnancy, the shape of your abdomen, and your skin tone and volume, are often very different from your appearance before having children.


You can address these cosmetic differences with a tummy tuck plastic surgery procedure. Tummy tucks are a popular post-pregnancy cosmetic surgery option.


At Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute, located in Cleveland, Ohio, our cosmetic surgery experts don’t recommend getting a tummy tuck if you plan on future pregnancies because the results won’t last. However, after you’ve given birth to the last of your planned babies is a great time to plan your tummy tuck.


It’s essential to give your body enough time to recover after pregnancy before your procedure. Dr. Jason Leedy, Dr. Emily Wirtz, and the team at Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute advise our patients on the right timing. We perform tummy tucks and other cosmetic surgery procedures from our state-of-the-art offices.


When is the right time for your post-pregnancy tummy tuck? Here is some essential information to consider when making your cosmetic treatment plans.


Hormonal changes, weight fluctuations, and recovering from pregnancy


Immediately after giving birth, your body continues going through hormonal changes. If you plan on breastfeeding, your weight may continue to fluctuate.


A tummy tuck shouldn’t be used for weight loss and isn’t intended as a weight loss procedure. For ideal results, you should be near your ideal weight without significant weight fluctuations.


Generally, it’s better to wait for your tummy tuck until your body has stabilized post-partum. That way, your post-tummy tuck look can last longer, giving you increased confidence in your appearance and figure into the future.


Tummy tuck surgery and caring for your baby


Recovering from your tummy tuck procedure with a new baby poses unique challenges.


First, surgery involves medications that will make your breast milk dangerous for your baby while taking it. If your baby is still breastfeeding, you’ll need to switch to formula while you recover from your tummy tuck. It may be better to wait to schedule your tummy tuck procedure until after your child is weaned.


Our team typically recommends waiting until three months after stopping breastfeeding for your tummy tuck for increased healing benefits. Being done with breastfeeding also means that, if desired, it’s easy to combine your tummy tuck with cosmetic breast enhancement surgery for a full “mommy makeover.”


Taking your time for your tummy tuck


Being a new or new-again mom puts pressure on you to handle everything immediately. But, when it comes to caring for your post-partum body, we encourage taking your time.


At the Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute, our team is here to help you achieve your aesthetic goals as soon as you’re ready. At a personalized consultation appointment, you can discuss your plans and timeline with our experts. Typically, we suggest taking six months after giving birth before going through with your tummy tuck.


To learn more about how tummy tucks enhance your appearance after birth and schedule your initial consultation appointment, contact our team at Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute online or over the phone today.