Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift: Which is Right for You?

Plastic surgery offers several procedures to adjust the appearance of your bust. Which breast enhancement procedure is right for you; breast augmentation or a breast lift? Read to learn more about the pros and cons of both options.


With cosmetic plastic surgery, you can adjust the appearance of your bustline. You no longer have to feel negative, ambivalent, or frustrated with the look, feel, or positioning of your breasts.


At the Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute in Cleveland, Ohio, you can explore multiple cosmetic surgery options for your breasts, including breast augmentation and breast lifts.


Dr. Jason Leedy and our Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute team ensure all of our patients get the results they’re looking for. If you’re not sure if a breast lift is right for you or if you might prefer breast augmentation, talk to Dr. Leedy about your concerns and find out what he recommends to achieve your aesthetic goals.


Here are some points to consider when making your decision regarding bust enhancement!


Breast augmentation vs. breast lift


Breast augmentation procedures focus on adding volume to your bust, giving your torso the ideal degree of projection for your shape. Breast augmentation is also a good way to even your breast size if there’s significant natural variation in your breast size or shape.


The team at the Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute specializes in pre-breast augmentation size selection support, ensuring you get the results you desire.


A breast lift may result in your bust appearing fuller. But, this procedure doesn’t actually add any volume to your bust. Instead, breast lifts address ptosis or sagging in the tissues around your breasts. And, for some people, breast lifts can actually result in reduction of bust volume, albeit with a more youthful firmness and higher positioning.


Breast enhancement and you


The right breast enhancement procedure for you depends on several factors, including your age, skin condition, lactation status and history, and desired results.


Breast lifts are primarily an anti-aging procedure, while many people pursue breast augmentation to feel more attractive or womanly.


Either way, the goal with breast enhancement is to improve your satisfaction with your breasts and bust area. And the team at Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute supports you with every step of your breast enhancement journey.


When you don’t have to choose…


In some cases, there may be a right choice for you between a breast augmentation procedure and a breast lift. Maybe you don’t need to address sagging or don’t want to add volume. In such a situation, your decision between a breast lift and breast augmentation may be easy.


However, you should also know that, in many cases, there’s no need to choose. Breast augmentation can be easily combined with a breast lift procedure if that’s the right combination to give you the enhancement you’re looking for.


Before deciding, review all your options with Dr. Leedy and the Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute team. Are you ready to get started? There’s no time like today! Call the Cleveland Plastic Surgery Institute now to schedule your initial consultation appointment, or request an appointment with our online tool.